General skin health is the cornerstone of beauty. Our skin tells a lot about us before we utter a word. It can read like a map of our lives: sun spots, smoker's pout, smile and frown lines. It can speak for diseases that lay underneath or imbalances in our body. It is ours to tame, love and find comfort in.
It is our goal to help you love the skin you are in.
People of all ages, race, color and background frequent Lincoln Road Dermatology. The doctor's extensive exposure to an international patient population throughout her training and work experience make her especially positioned to help her patients here in cosmopolitan Miami. No two people are alike; different skin types and ages deserve special consideration. We are committed to making your skin the best that it can be. We look forward to extending that service to your family and friends for years to come.

From our late 20's to our golden years, our skin goes through a series of changes. Common conditions we see in our office include:
eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea, dandruff
skin cancer treatment and surgery
sun damage, melasma and other pigment disorders
rashes, itch, hives
birthmarks, growths, skin tags and mole removal
hair loss, nail changes (including fungus)
excessive sweating
genital rashes and sexually transmitted diseases
infectious diseases (warts, molluscum, herpes)
adult onset acne

Developing adults need to put their best face forward as they position themselves in these formidable years. Below are some of the most common conditions we treat in this age group:
acne (holistic and medical options)
blue light therapy
infectious diseases (warts, molluscum, impetigo, herpes and fungus)
we are registered and activated with the iPledge program for isotretinoin prescribing when appropriate (formerly known as Accutane, known as Roaccutane outside the US)

Children of all ages are affected by different skin disorders. We take pride in ensuring a pleasant visit for your child while thoroughly educating you on the treatment and options. Below are some of the common conditions we treat:
molluscum contagiosum
rashes, stings, bites

A total body skin exam here at Lincoln Road Dermatology is recommended yearly. We carefully inspect your skin to look for any potentially dangerous bumps, birthmarks or blemishes. In the event we find something that looks like skin cancer, it would be removed for biopsy or in its entirety. The treatment choices are based on cancer type, location, aggressivity, as well as the overall health of the patient. Treatment considerations include not only surgery, but also electrodessication and curretage, topical immunotherapy, cryosurgery, chemotherapy, radiation and photodynamic therapy where appropriate.

Dr. Marcy Alvarez is trained in a variety of invasive surgical procedures, including but not limited to, skin cancer surgery, removal of benign and malignant cysts, as well as cosmetic removal of moles, skin tags and other benign, undesirable growths.
Surgery is performed comfortably in our office under local anesthesia and can be made more relaxing with the aid of nitrous oxide in case of anxiety or needle phobia.
Please be aware you will need an initial consultation before a surgical procedure will be scheduled.

Patch testing is a skin test done in our office to elucidate the allergen or inciting substance(s) which may be provoking your rash. 65 different substances are placed on the back as detailed below. We carry the North American Contact Dermatitis Series 65. A list of the allergens tested can be found here.
Allergic contact dermatitis is a condition in which you develop areas of inflammation on your skin (called dermatitis) as a result of your immune system. While these allergens do not commonly cause rashes in most people, others will manifest persistent eyelid, neck or hand rashes as a result of repeated contact. Common symptoms in contact dermatitis may include: scaly itchy rash, hives or blisters.
The only way to successfully treat allergic contact dermatitis is avoidance of the specific allergen. A patch test may help in identifying these agents you need to avoid in order to reduce your symptoms. Prescription medications and lifestyle changes may help reduce the severity of the symptoms associated with the condition.
Patch testing is a simple and painless process. It does not require the use of any needles or injections. A positive reaction may result in itching and mild irritation.
Patch testing is a week long process. On your first scheduled patch test visit, we will apply patches with various potential chemicals to the skin on your back. These chemicals will be left on for 48 hours. You need to avoid direct sun, excessive sweating and showering in the area during this time. After 48 hours, you will return to the office to remove the tape for an initial reading. The doctor will do a final interpretation of the results 120 hours after initial patch placement. A typical schedule for testing is to come in on a Monday (to apply patches), Wednesday (to remove patches), and Friday (to read results). There are even some late reactions on the following Monday which may be relevant.
Before undergoing patch testing, you are recommended to stop using topical corticosteroids in the area to be tested, avoid oral antihistamines and steroids, and do not expose the test area to the sun for at least three weeks. These factors may invalidate test results. Your back should be clear and free of any rash or infection.
When reading the results, each spot will be classified on a scale from negative (meaning no reaction) to extreme reaction (meaning positive results for substance). Strong results may cause blisters or ulcers on the skin, which can be treated once the test is complete.
Once the allergens or allergic substances have been elucidated, you will be provided with specific information on your individual triggers and how to prevent contact. You will be given education specifically on how to edit and review your everyday exposures in order to AVOID these offending substances and where to go to choose products which are void of these substances.
Melanomas are on the rise. While it is the most deadly of skin cancers, luckily it is not the majority of skin cancers found worldwide. When found early, these cancers can be cured with local surgery.
A yearly skin examination with our physician can be one of the most important steps to finding these deadly cancers early. We utilize a special instrument known as a dermatoscope to carefully evaluate your skin at every visit.
A monthly self skin examination can also help you detect any new or changing moles. The photo to the left, courtesy of American Academy of Dermatology, can aid you in the recognition of suspicious moles which should prompt an evaluation.
The ABCDE's of moles is a simple acronym to aid in our search. While the majority of melanomas are thought to arise de novo or out of the blue, others come from pre-existing moles which undergo change.